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Barcode Scanner in Your Ionic App Using Capacitor

Barcode Scanner in Your Ionic App Using Capacitor

Integrating barcode scanning into your mobile app can significantly enhance functionality, making data entry faster and reducing errors. This guide will walk you through setting up barcode scanning in your Ionic app using the Capacitor plugin `@capacitor/barcode-scanner`, which leverages Outsystems Barcode libraries.

Zagham Nadeem
How to create Search Pipe in Angular

How to create Search Pipe in Angular

Master the art of creating a search pipe in Angular with our detailed, step-by-step tutorial. Learn to filter and manipulate data effectively in your Angular applications.

Zagham Nadeem
Implementing Firebase OTP in Angular Ionic

Implementing Firebase OTP in Angular Ionic

In this tutorial, we'll explore the process of integrating Firebase Phone Authentication into an Ionic Angular.

Zagham Nadeem
How to use Panzoom in Angular

How to use Panzoom in Angular

ngx-panzoom: Enhancing User Experience with Powerful Zooming and Panning In modern web development, creating an intuitive

Zagham Nadeem
Mastering Angular Directives: A Comprehensive Guide

Mastering Angular Directives: A Comprehensive Guide

Angular is a powerful framework that allows developers...

Zagham Nadeem
Change Status Bar Color like Google Chrome

Change Status Bar Color like Google Chrome

How to use Capacitor Network & Statusbar Plugin in Ionic v7

Zagham Nadeem
How to use canActivate guard in Ionic Angular

How to use canActivate guard in Ionic Angular

how to use canActivate guard in Ionic Angular, including step-by-step instructions

Zagham Nadeem